【演講公告】2024.11.13(三) 15:30-17:00@光復校區大禮堂 /陳士駿先生 Steve Chen Youtube創辦人演講
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- 許詩婷
國立陽明交通大學資訊學院陳志成院長邀請陳士駿先生 Steve Chen Youtube創辦人演講,並由林奇宏校長主持,演講資訊如下,歡迎有興趣的老師及同學踴躍參與,謝謝。
Registration URL:https://forms.gle/jr7gd7j7yxVUETHk6
Fireside chat with Steve Chen (YouTube, Google Ventures, AVOS, and Taiwan Gold Card)
Speaker: Mr. Steve Chen, co-founder and former CTO of YouTube
Moderator: Dr. Chi-Hung Lin, President of NYCU
Date/Time: November 13, 2024 (Wed.) 15:30-17:00
Venue:Auditorium, Guangfu Campus (陽明交通大學光復校區大禮堂)
About the speaker
Steve Chen is the co-founder and former CTO of YouTube. He co-founded AVOS and was also an advisor at Google Ventures. He is the first recipient of the Taiwanese Gold Card.