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  • 依據本校研究生學位授予作業規章,111學年度第2學期期末至112學年度第1學期期初研究生學位考試成績及學籍處理原則,請詳閱下方說明:
  1. 111學年度第2學期學位考試申請截止日:至112731日。
    1. 請同學於112年7月31日(含) 前通過學位考試並繳交學位考試成績資料表至註冊組。
    2. 若未能於112年9月8日(含) (112學年度第1學期上課開始日前最後一個工作日)前完成離校程序並繳交論文紙本,修業年限未屆滿者,112學年度第1學期仍應註冊繳費;修業年限屆滿者將依規定予以退學。
  2. 112學年度第1學期學位考試開始申請日期:自11281日起。
    1. 同學於112年9月8日(含)(112學年度第1學期上課開始日前最後一個工作日)前通過學位考試並繳交相關單位所需資料,且完成離校程序者,無須繳費。
    2. 112年9月11日(含) 開學以後始完成離校程序及繳交相關單位所需資料者,則須先繳交全額學雜費,再依完成離校程序最終時間按本校「學生離校退費作業要點」辦理退費。
    3. 112年8月1日(含) 後申請學位考試者,除應繳交學位考試成績資料表正本及論文紙本至註冊組,另應繳交學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書正本、著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書正本至所屬教學單位,且需將學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書、學位論文原創性比對報告、論文摘要及全文電子檔(含著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書)至圖書館博碩士論文系統上網建檔,並完成畢業離校程序後,方符合畢業資格。

Principles for Handling Postgraduate Students’ Degree Examinations and Status from the End of the Second Semester of the 2022 Academic Year to the Beginning of the First Semester of the 2023 Academic Year

According to NYCU’s postgraduate degree conferral regulations, the principles for handling postgraduate students’ degree examinations and status from the end of the second semester of the 2022 academic year to the beginning of the first semester of the 2023 academic year are established as follows: 

  1. The deadline for application for a degree examination in the second semester of the 2022 academic year: July 31, 2023.

A. Students must pass their degree examination and submit the degree examination result sheet to the Division of Registrar before July 31, 2023 (inclusive).

B. Those who’ve failed to complete the school-leaving procedures and submit a copy of their thesis before September 8, 2023 (inclusive) (the last working day before the start of the first semester of the 2023 academic year) but have not exceeded their time to completion should register and pay for tuition and fees for the first semester of the 2023 academic year; those who’ve failed to do the same and also exceeded their time to completion are subject to academic dismissal from their program.

2. The starting date for application for a degree examination in the first semester of the 2023 academic year: August 1, 2023.

A. Students who pass their degree examination, submit the required materials to relevant units, and complete the school-leaving procedures before September 8, 2023 (inclusive) (the last working day before the start of the first semester of the 2023 academic year) are not required to pay for tuition and fees.

B. Students who complete the school-leaving procedures and submit the required materials to relevant units after September 11, 2012 (inclusive) should first pay for full amount of tuition and fees , and then receive a refund, based on the date of their finishing the school-leaving procedures, by following “National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Directions for Tuition Refund Upon Deregistration.”

C. Besides submitting the original copy of their degree examination result sheet and a hard copy of their thesis to the Division of Registrar, students applying for a degree examination after August 1, 2023 (inclusive) should also submit the original copy of their Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison, the dissertation information of the compilation of works they’ve referenced, and the original copy of the contributorship statements of the works they’ve compiled to their teaching unit. Moreover, they should upload the digital copies of their Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison, Report of Academic Originality Comparison, abstract of thesis, and full content of their thesis (including the dissertation information of the compilation of works they’ve referenced, and the original copy of the contributorship statements of the works they’ve compiled ) to the school library’s Electronic Theses and Dissertations System, and complete the the school-leaving procedures before they are eligible for graduation.