【演講公告】敬邀參加2023.8.28(一) 14:00-16:00@EC427R /講者:Prof. Michael Saunders, Stanford University/講題:Algorithms for Constrained Optimization: The Benefits of General-purpose Software
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講題:Algorithms for Constrained Optimization: The Benefits of General-purpose Software
時間:2023.08.28 (Mon.) 14:00-16:00
地點:EC 427R
Speaker:Prof. Michael Saunders, Stanford University
Host:Prof. Jyh-Cheng Chen
We review the history of numerical optimization at Stanford University and describe some unexpected applications of optimization software within aerospace, signal analysis, systems biology, economics, radiotherapy, ... . Sometimes general-purpose software leads to new applications. Sometimes new applications lead to new algorithms (which we implement with general-purpose software).
Michael Saunders is Professor (Research) Emeritus at Stanford University. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Stanford in 1972 (advisor Gene Golub). He is coauthor of general-purpose numerical software for sparse linear equations (MINRES, SYMMLQ, LSQR, LSMR, MINRES-QLP, LUSOL) and for constrained optimization (MINOS, LSSOL, NPSOL, QPOPT, SQOPT, SNOPT, PDCO). His awards include Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, SIAM Fellow, SIAM Linear Algebra Prize, and Stanford Invention Hall of Fame.
Michael Saunders
Professor (Research) Emeritus, ICME and Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University
侯蘭雅 Lan-Ya Hou
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