
【數據科學系列演講】時間:2024.03.27(Wed.) 15:30-17:20@EC115,講者:李健興教授(Chang-Shing Lee)教授 /台南大學 講題:CAO Robot with Computational Intelligence for Human & Machine Co-Learning

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 時間:2024.03.27(Wed.) 15:30-17:20



李健興(Chang-Shing Lee)教授 /台南大學



講題:CAO Robot with Computational Intelligence for Human & Machine Co-Learning



This lecture will present the integration of Computational Intelligence (CI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to facilitate co-learning between humans and machines using the CAO robot system. By incorporating Content Attention Ontology (CAO) and Transformer-based semantic models (SBERT), we established a model that supports co-learning between students and robots, with a focus on Taiwanese/English language learning. Additionally, we explored the combination of Quantum Computational Intelligence (QCI) and Generative AI Images (GAI Images) to enhance human-machine interaction and improve the learning experience. Key concepts mentioned in the lecture include the fusion of Computational Intelligence (CI) with Human Intelligence (HI) and how AI systems can be made more aligned with human learning and decision-making processes through the Human-in-the-Loop approach. We also introduced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques based on the Heart Sutra for understanding and constructing human intelligence in AI systems. In terms of applications, the lecture will showcase language learning applications, especially for co-learning Taiwanese and English, and how Generative AI Image Agents can be used to enhance the learning experience. Furthermore, by combining Quantum Computational Intelligence (QCI), we explored the potential for more advanced applications in AI systems.



Chang-Shing Lee (SM'09) obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in 1998. He is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National University of Tainan, Taiwan. Professor Lee served as the Director of the Computer Center from February 2006 to July 2011 and as the Dean of the Research and Development Office from January 2011 to July 2015.

In 2009, he was honored as an "Outstanding Contributor to Information Education and Taiwan Academic Network for the 2009 academic year" by the Ministry of Education. During his tenure as the director of the Computer Center, he co-chaired the Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2010) and was the program chair of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-

IEEE 2011). In 2017, he was awarded the MOST's FutureTech Breakthrough Award, and in 2023, he received the Excellent Award at the NSTC's Industry-Academia Project.