【論文研討Seminar】113/04/17(Wed) 15:30-17:10_地點@ED117_講題:Deep Learning in Healthcare: Present and Future
- Published on
- Author
- 許詩婷
講題:Deep Learning in Healthcare: Present and Future (中文授課)
地點:工程四館 ED 117
講者姓名與簡歷:Professor Robby Tan /AICS Chief Scientist /新加坡大學副教授
- 5 mins opening - Prof. Walon Chiu
- 45 mins keynote speech - Prof. Robby Tan
- 10 mins AICS intro - Alyse Ho, AICS Marketing Manager
- 30 mins Q&A - Robby & Alyse
Speaker profile:
- I am Chief Scientist at ASUS - AICS (ASUS Intelligent Cloud Services).
- Main research is in computer vision and deep learning, particularly
in the domains of low level vision, human pose/motion analysis,
deep learning's applications, particularly in healthcare. - Actively and regularly publishes papers in renowned international AI journals and conferences like CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, among others,
and served as area chair in some conferences.