[Seoul Indie-AniFest2024] Call for Submission!
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- 許詩婷
Hello. This is Seoul Indie-AniFest2024 Program Team.
Seoul Indie-AniFest is an animation film festival that seeks to introduce wonderful and independent animation from Asia, offering diverse opportunities as well as communication with the audience with the values of independence, experimentation, passion, and vision.
The 20th Seoul Indie-AniFest will be held at CGV Yeonnam in Seoul, South Korea, from September 26th to October 1st, 2024.
If you have an Asia animated film completed by any date after January 2023, we would be grateful if you submit the film to the Seoul Indie-AniFest 2024 !
The deadline for ASIA ROAD competition (a short film under 40 minutes) is June 17th, and registration is free.
The deadline for MIRINAE ROAD (a feature film lasting over 40 minutes) is July 7th, and registration is free.
You can submit your film to FilmFreeway.
Currently, we are accepting films with a $3 entry fee for submission to ASIA ROAD competition (Short films that are under 40 minutes); however, it is free entry if you enter a waiver code into your submission.
Please enter the code written down below when you submit:
You can go ahead and download the regulations file for ASIA ROAD competition and MIRINAE ROAD category attached to this email and find more information about the festival at the link below.
Filmfreeway: https://filmfreeway.com/festival/IndieAniFest
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.