陽明交大與伊利諾大學香檳分校雙聯學位 3名學生八月出發
陽明交大與美國伊利諾大學的3+2雙聯學位今年(2014年)正式啟動。只要在資工系修滿三年課程,即可申請進入伊利諾大學計算機科學系(Department of Computer Science, UIUC)或資訊科學學院(School of Information Sciences,iSchool, UIUC),畢業後一次取得陽明交大資工系學士以及伊利諾大學碩士學位。三名獲得3+2攻讀雙聯學位資格的學生將於今年八月啟程。
繼去年四月陽明交大資訊學院拜訪美國伊利諾大學計算機科學系,並在十月正式簽署雙聯學位協議書(3+X Program)後,陽明交大與伊利諾大學再度深化合作,與資訊科學學院簽署另一個雙聯學位合約,為學生帶來更多元豐富的學習經驗。
今年八月即將有三名學生,包括侯博軒、劉珆睿及游建峰申請通過即將啟程出發前往伊利諾大學計算機科學系攻讀雙聯學位。游建峰說,他本來就有準備出國留學的計畫,原預計要透過交換學生的方式至國外體驗一學期的大學生活,回國後再申請出國留學。剛好去年資訊學院與UIUC CS簽訂雙聯學位,讓他可以提早出國並節省許多申請留學的心力過程。
NYCU and UIUC Announce Launch of a New Dual Degree Program:
Three Students to Begin Study at UIUC in August
This year, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Taiwan and the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in the USA are excited to announce the official
launch of their 3+2 dual degree program. Students who successfully complete three years at
NYCU’s College of Computer Science (CS) are eligible to apply to either the Department of
Computer Science or the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at UIUC. After two
additional years of study, graduates will earn a Bachelor's degree from NYCU and a Master's
degree from UIUC. Three exemplary students have qualified for this program and will
commence their studies in August of this year.
The partnership was further strengthened following a visit by NYCU’s College of Computer
Science to UIUC in April 2023, culminating in the signing of a formal dual degree agreement
in October 2023. An additional agreement with the School of Information Sciences was
signed in March 2024, thus broadening the academic opportunities with two departments in
two distinct colleges at UIUC. Dean Chen Jyh-Cheng of the CS College of NYCU remarked
that the program with UIUC—a top-five U.S. institution in information technology—
recognizes and validates our international academic standing and accomplishments. In
February of this year, the CS College also welcomed two talented young scholars from
Princeton and UIUC, enhancing the faculty with fresh perspectives and scholarly vigor.
President Lin Chi-Hung of NYCU highlighted the immense value of an international outlook
in today’s globalized era. The dual degree program not only allows students to acquire degrees
from two prestigious universities within five years but also significantly helps in cultivating a
broad cultural perspective and a comprehensive global view. UIUC, ranked among the top
five U.S. institutions in information technology, provides graduates with opportunities to
work in the U.S., pursue PhD programs, and collaborate with leading global talents.
In August, students Hou Bo-Syuan, Liu Yi-Ruei, and Yu Jian-Fong will embark on their
journey to UIUC’s Department of Computer Science to pursue their dual degrees. Yu Jian-
Fong shared that he initially planned to study abroad through an exchange program before
applying for further studies overseas. The dual degree agreement with UIUC’s CS department
from the previous year allowed him an earlier start, streamlining the complex application
process. Liu Yi-Ruei, who is more academically inclined, is looking forward to specializing in
artificial intelligence and computer vision after joining UIUC this August. He is eager to enter
the elite realm of information technology and interact with top international scholars.
When asked for advice for younger students, Hou Bo-Syuan emphasized that the dual degree
program is a remarkable opportunity facilitated by inter-university collaboration, which
simplifies the application process. He advises prospective students to maintain excellent
academic records, prepare for the TOEFL early, and if possible, complete mandatory military
service during the summer to optimize readiness for this prestigious program.